#mycontainerisbetterthanyours is my second custom paper toy project. It was born out of the work “Bottleman“, from 2012.
This initiative is now closed (as free custom project) and will be re-issued on blockchain, when technology permits it!
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#mycontainerisbetterthanyours in exhibition:
2016. PAPER TOYS, cardboard sculptures, Österr. Papiermachermuseum, Laakirchen-Steyrermühl, Austria »see pics
2016. Urban Paper Collective Show, Sauerland-Museum, Arnsberg, Germany
2017. MLIBTY Shadows & Papertoys Show, Lucca Comics&Games 2017, Lucca, Italy

#27 custom by Style-b Okvir »download

#26 Trumpster by Jon Palestini »download

#25 custom by Maria Rockvam »download

#24 Ants by Dunja B. Zubak »download

#19 X-Wing by St.Hellvis »download

#18 Monkey by Eric Wirjanata »download

#17 Treasure by Alex Gwynne »download

#16 custom by Lana Hudina »download

#15 Canasto by Dania Ortega »download

#13 Gerobak by Yulia Susanti »download

#12 Unthemed by Dicky Wardiansyah »download

#11 custom by Cooper Berella »download

#9 Neon Neuron by Michael Patrick »download

#8 custom by Benginati513 »download

#7 R2D2 by Dadik Triadi »download

#3 Gunu by Luka Bunić »download

#1 Somewhere by Greenelf1967 »download